How To Deal With A Boyfriend Who Doesn’t Trust You

Sex Captain
4 min readJun 19, 2021
Photo by Alex Bocharov on Unsplash

My boyfriend doesn’t trust me.

The relationship with your boyfriend is likely not to move forward without trust. It is the foundation of any union, and your beloved doesn’t have faith in you; your relationship can lose stability.

Your significant other may have various reasons not to trust you. Sometimes you may do or say things that cause misunderstanding or pain. However, if you haven’t acted in a way to trigger mistrust, then it’s not on you but your beloved.

Additionally, the feeling of insecurity also contributes to trust issues in relationships. For example, the habit of your beloved continually checking up on you indicates that your special someone doesn’t trust you.

Why Does My Boyfriend Not Trust Me?

Trust issues between you and your beloved can make your life miserable. Your special someone may not tell you that he doesn’t trust you, but it is wise to look out for the triggers. Here are some of the common reasons why your beloved doesn’t trust you.

  • Broken trust.
  • Previous Hurts.
  • Cheating.
  • Worry.
  • Suspicion.
  • Insecurity.

Broken Trust

One of the things that can cause you to break your beloved’s trust is unfaithfulness. The effects of your actions on your darling can be hard to handle. Your lover fears undergoing the same painful experience and is taking precautions by way of not trusting you.

It Takes Time to Trust Again

Heartaches and betrayal in a relationship are difficult situations to move past. Your loved one may need some time before gaining confidence in you again. Even though the best thing to do is forgive and move forward, rebuilding trust takes effort and a long time.

Previous Hurts

Your loved one may act cautiously in a new relationship because of past experiences. For example, an ex-girlfriend may have hurt or cheated on him. If this is the case with your beloved, you need to understand that some people never recover from it.

Don’t Bring Back Previous Memories

You do not have to know everything that happened to your loved one, but not to recreate scenes that rekindle painful memories. A simple act like texting male friends can create misunderstanding and mistrust.

The best way to handle this situation is to avoid rushing him through this process. However, it may take time and effort for your lover to get over the past. In the meantime, you can try to help your beloved overcome the fear of being rejected.

He Is Cheating on You

Is your mind occupied with “my boyfriend doesn’t trust me”? You do not have to blame yourself for this situation.

Psychologically, individuals who cheat on their partners attempt to justify their actions by accusing the other partner of doing the same.

In this situation, your special someone doesn’t trust you as a defense mechanism. It is an easier way to live with the guilt of cheating.


There are times when the reason your darling doesn’t trust you is unclear. For example, worry. You may find it hard to understand this emotional issue that your beloved is experiencing unless it has happened to you.

Anyone can experience worry because of life’s issues, but sometimes it is triggered by nothing specific.

Worry Is Normal

It is common for human beings to worry about the unknown. For example, your special someone can worry about the success of your relationship. Your darling likely thinks that cheating may occur and is taking precautions to avoid the situation.

You need to realize that your beloved is having a difficult time dealing with this emotion. The best you can do in this situation is to love and support your loved one.


Your beloved may have a feeling that something is not right with your relationship. Even if you have not done anything to hurt him, your loved one may worry that you will. For example, your beloved may have seen you in close contact with someone else, or maybe he has read a text message from another male friend.

Suspicion Is Not Proof

Your significant other may not have enough evidence about the suspicions. However, your loved one may be on guard already and views illogical signs and allegations as truths. Additionally, your beloved is already worried about you cheating on him and has turned this thought into a suspicion.

You can resolve this situation by having an open conversation to clear up issues that bother your special someone. Some actions may be hard to identify, but you can start by not hiding your phone or introducing your lover to your networks.


Insecure individuals feel troubled and anxious about their current relationships, friendships, and everything else. So naturally, your beloved will spend more time digging for hints that confirm his suspicions that you don’t like him.

Not Secure About Your Relationship

Your man friend doesn’t trust you because he feels you are attracted to someone else. Your beloved feels that your relationship is about to collapse at any time.

When To Seek Help

Well, you know the truth about whether you are cheating or not. Trust allegations by your beloved can lead to mental complications. In rare cases, lack of trust may result in violence or severe health issues. Therefore, it is wise for you to seek professional help for your lover if trust issues result in violence.


Trust is one of the foundations of a lasting union between couples. Your relationship can experience deeper issues if your special someone doesn’t trust you.

Various reasons cause lack of trust between two people. The best way you can react to this situation is to be supportive of your beloved. More so, you must avoid doing or saying things that trigger worry in your significant other. You can also help your special someone not worry by communicating to him that he can trust you.



Sex Captain

Dong King is an experienced and knowledgeable sex-enthusiast and businessman from Texas and is passionate about sex toys, other sex devices that diversify sex!